655 158TH Ave. NWAd03$550,000Buyer: Mallory and Nicholas PappSeller: Chad T. and Natalie M. Trembley
13353 KILLDEER St. NWAd04$349,000Buyer: Henok Haddish KidanemariamSeller: Alex B. and Issabela B. Kyei
4490 147TH Ln. NWAd05$460,000Buyer: Leland and Mary SleysterSeller: Geri R. Wellems (estate)
759 141ST Ave. NWAd03$425,000Buyer: Laura GoebelSeller: Lynn A. and James M. Young
14129 QUAY St. NWAd09$374,900Buyer: Jennifer ChildersSeller: Troy David and Kelly L. Boettcher